Dues for the year are $750 and may be paid over time.  One time uniform deposit $250. Checks should be made payable to "The Knickerbocker Greys" and submitted with registration form at the first Tuesday drill in September.  We accept check, Zelle, Venmo, Paypal and all major credit cards.

  • Cadets are expected to write a prompt thank you note to the organization from whom an Award is received. Please contact the Board for all addresses.
  • Any cadet who recruits another cadet who remains for a season will receive a recruiting ribbon.
  • Any cadet who recruits 5 cadets who remain for a season will receive a recruiting medal.
  • Any cadet who recruits 20 cadets who all remain for a season will receive a promotion to sergeant.

Cadets are encouraged to participate in the many Color Guard opportunities throughout the year.  The Color Guard presents the "colors" or flags of the United States, along with New York State, New York City and various organizational flags at special civic functions throughout the year by invitation and is expected to appear at all functions impeccably dressed and groomed and in their complete dress uniform.  Following the Color Guards on occasion select cadets are invited to remain for the formal dinner and honored speaker presentations usually on historic topics.

color guards
awards & recruiting ribbons


  • Applicants must be at least 7 years of age and of suitable maturity. The retiring age is 16. A cadet who becomes 16 after the opening drill may complete the season.
  • Applicants for enlistment should contact the President of the Board of the Knickerbocker Greys.
tuesday attendance

Knickerbocker Greys


Reviews are held twice a year in the Winter and Spring. As high points of the season, the cadets demonstrate their drill routines for family, friends, and Greys veterans at the Reviews. It is at these events that cadets are promoted and honored with awards. Cadets are expected to arrive at the Armory at 4:30 prior to a “Review”. Cadets are expected to appear at each Review impeccably dressed and groomed and in complete uniform.

  • All promotions are proposed by the Commandant and his staff and confirmed by the Board.
  • All promotions are based on: a) Competition drills, b) Attendance, promptness, conduct, recruiting, upright bearing, neatness in uniform (including polished shoes), alertness and cooperation at drills.
  • Stripes, representing promotions earned, are to be worn by Cadets after promotions are formally announced at the next “Review”.
  • The Knickerbocker Greys uniform may not be worn at any functions at any time without special permission from the Board of Directors.
  • Cadets must report for duty in complete fatigue uniform. After reporting in, cadets may not leave the Armory until the end of the drill.
  • Cadets may borrow missing uniform items from the Uniform Department on only two regular drill days during the year. They will be marked "Out of Uniform". No cadet may have access to the Uniform Room without a Board member present.
  • A cadet's appearance should always be neat and well groomed. Black oxfords with absolutely plain uppers are required. The socks must be plain black and the trousers must be long enough to cover the tops of the shoes.
  • Swords will be issued for Drills and Reviews, but must always remain at the Armory. All parts of the uniform must be plainly marked with the cadet's name. Neither the Directors nor the Commandant will be responsible for any loss of clothing. Cadets will be responsible for replacing lost items.
  • A $260 deposit for uniform usage is requested and will be applied to any losses or damages.
  • ​​Cadets should report at the Armory 30 minutes before drill times. Cadets must report at the attendance table before each drill. Report of attendance is taken by the Directors. All absences must be explained in writing from a parent. Written excuses must be on file before each Dress Review for the preceding period.
  • The 100% attendance medals are awarded to cadets with perfect attendance throughout the season.
  • An excused absence, which must be in writing, is defined as: a) A serious conflict with a family or school related commitment. b) Health related issues at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
  • On Tuesdays: a) three times "Out of Uniform" constitutes one absence. b) three failures to report constitute one absence. c) failure to report will stand as an absence unless explained. d) lateness will be automatically excused when due to a school conflict.
  • A cadet with an injury, able to attend but not to drill, should report in uniform as usual, present a note of explanation and remain as a spectator for the drill. He will be marked "Present".